Hello again, Last time, we e-mailed but we're going to give this a try. We took some pictures of the pollen so you could see it. It feels soft like powder. Most people don't like it but it was new and fun to us. We also took some pictures of the trees around the church house. This is really a beautiful area! The mulch around the trees is called pine straw. It is pine needles piled up around the base of the trees.
We finally got our MATTRESS - 2 stops at the store and 2 visits from the delivery guys - including a hack saw to cut off the bolts holding the head board on our fine furniture. Whew! I think it came because the Salesman got the idea that we were going to give him a new discussion at each store visit. We were also able to hear the native language from the delivery guys. You have to listen very carefully to understand what they're saying.
We have been on the ECU campus and around Greenville finding the kids. We were inviting them to come to the Church house to watch General Conference. Wasn't it Great!!! Took pictures of some squirrels while we were on campus. They run all over the place.
We had a special experience when we went to find Donte - a football player for ECU who is a new convert. He wasn't home. We saw some kids down on the ground floor watching us, and when we explained that we were looking for Donte, one boy, his roommate, ran up the stairs to let us in the room. We had a Conference Invitation to leave. Elder Myers started talking to him, explaining that we were from the Church and asked him if he had a church. He said, No, but he was looking for one. GOLDEN MOMENT!!! It was worth a whole week of searching for young singles. The sisters are going to help us out with teaching him. They know one of the coaches who is LDS also. YEA!!!
We have had a lot more success this past week getting into the Dorms. The Lord put people there to open the doors and escort us to the rooms. It must have been your prayers. Thank you!
Last week we had rain. It had been raining hard during the night so when I woke up and looked out the window, I saw the ground was all covered white. I thought SNOW!!! I woke Elder Myers up to see it but he wouldn't believe me; said it doesn't snow at 65 degrees. Double checking I saw that it was white blossoms. Later we went outside to take the picture. I guess you call this Spring Snow here like we have Summer Snow (Alkali) in Emery County. Thank you so much for your letters and e-mails. It is so good to hear from you. Thank you for checking on our house and everything else that makes this mission possible for us. We love you very much! Keep reading your scriptures and praying for us. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is TRUE.
Sounds like you are settling into missionary work really well...love your pictures...and you are a great blogger....all is well with us and our kids..looking forward to spending Easter with them this weekend...I hope you have a nice Easter celebration....take care...Love ya, Sandy