Friday, May 25, 2012

     We're just trying to keep up with life.  Institute has really taken our time.  With GREAT help from the director of the Raleigh Institute and our Branch Pres. we had 300 pamphlets printed up.  Then with the talents of our daughter-in-law, Brittny, we got some AWESOME posters made for the church houses in our Stake and some for the University campus.

     We were given a tour of ECU by our Branch Pres. to help us be more effective.  He teaches at the University.  We traveled to Kinston, Woodington and Washington to meet with the missionaries, to give them the pamphlets and a list of the young single adults.  On Tuesday we were in New Bern at a Stake Priesthood Meeting to pass out our posters, etc. 

     Institute Opening Social was a success - a MIRACLE from the Lord.  Only with His help were we able to pull it together.  Our lesson is that when you are serving him, He will make up the difference and it was HUGE.  We also survived a Super Soaker that night - 7" of rain.  It rained for several hours.  Roads were flooded, and there were power outages in certain areas.  

     We have enjoyed spending time with the Elder and Sister Missionaries.  They have come over on preparation days to play tennis and beach volley ball.  This is the last week we will have with Sister Matthews as she is going home next Tuesday.  It is so sad to have her leave.  These pictures were taken at Town Commons by the Tar River where we ate our lunch on the bridge.  (Not us in the canoe)

Great Quote,   "Embrace the day with an enthusiastic welcome no matter how it looks.  The covenant you made with God to which you are true, enables you to become enlightened by him and nothing is impossible for you."                                               Elder F Enzio Buche of the Seventy    

We love each of you and appreciate all that you do for us.  Wish we could be there with you on your special days. 

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your posts and learning all about your mission...hope all is well with you and your family...we are doing really well here in our big city...Sheryl and Katy both are going to have babies in October and November...we are so excited for the new additions to the family...Katy's is a healthy little boy and Sheryl is still waiting to fine out what she is having...we miss you guys popping in on us for a quick visit but know you are where you need to be right now...keep posting we love reading and learning about your you Sandy
