Friday, May 25, 2012

     We're just trying to keep up with life.  Institute has really taken our time.  With GREAT help from the director of the Raleigh Institute and our Branch Pres. we had 300 pamphlets printed up.  Then with the talents of our daughter-in-law, Brittny, we got some AWESOME posters made for the church houses in our Stake and some for the University campus.

     We were given a tour of ECU by our Branch Pres. to help us be more effective.  He teaches at the University.  We traveled to Kinston, Woodington and Washington to meet with the missionaries, to give them the pamphlets and a list of the young single adults.  On Tuesday we were in New Bern at a Stake Priesthood Meeting to pass out our posters, etc. 

     Institute Opening Social was a success - a MIRACLE from the Lord.  Only with His help were we able to pull it together.  Our lesson is that when you are serving him, He will make up the difference and it was HUGE.  We also survived a Super Soaker that night - 7" of rain.  It rained for several hours.  Roads were flooded, and there were power outages in certain areas.  

     We have enjoyed spending time with the Elder and Sister Missionaries.  They have come over on preparation days to play tennis and beach volley ball.  This is the last week we will have with Sister Matthews as she is going home next Tuesday.  It is so sad to have her leave.  These pictures were taken at Town Commons by the Tar River where we ate our lunch on the bridge.  (Not us in the canoe)

Great Quote,   "Embrace the day with an enthusiastic welcome no matter how it looks.  The covenant you made with God to which you are true, enables you to become enlightened by him and nothing is impossible for you."                                               Elder F Enzio Buche of the Seventy    

We love each of you and appreciate all that you do for us.  Wish we could be there with you on your special days. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

     Another great week!  Thanks so much for the Birthday wishes and surprises!!  Our family is really being blessed!

     On Friday and Saturday, we enjoyed a Couples Retreat with our Mission President and Sister Cotterell, sisters from the office, and all couple missionaries in our Mission.  Highlights included a trip to an aquarium, dinner and a special testimony meeting in Morehead, City.  It was soooo good to be with them.

    Next, morning we were on our way to Harker's Island where we took El's Local Yokel Ferry over the Sound to the Outer Banks.  We passed  Shackleford Banks with it's wild horses, and enjoyed some time at Cape Lookout Lighthouse. The day markings on this lighthouse are a diamond pattern - they create a compass.  Black diamonds for North and South and White for East and West. 
       We caught a wave from the Atlantic Ocean - or rather it caught us by surprise,  gathered some sea shells and returned back to Harkers Island.  The Relief Society fixed us a very nice luncheon after which  Elder Best told us the history of the Island.  When the missionaries first came, another religion burned down our Church house, the school house was burned next, and the missionaries were driven off the island.  But the members living on the island remained strong and faithful and now today they are very numerous, and a great strength to our stake. 

     We know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true.  We love our Savior, Jesus Christ very much and are grateful for the Atonement.  The Book of Mormon testifies of our Savior and we will draw nearer to Him as we study from it's pages daily.  Thank you for your prayers, kindness, and upkeep of our house.  I hear good things about the yard from everyone.  We love you all,  Elder and Sister Myers

Monday, May 7, 2012

 Another week has gone by quickly.  The weather here has been pretty nice.  We thought a couple of days were WARM but they tell us we don't know what WARM IS yet.    Thought I'd send a picture of where we live.  We are grateful to have such a nice place.

With the warmer days, we are getting to know some critters.  I had a close encounter with a MONSTER SPIDER in the middle of the night.  I couldn't scrub off the feel of stepping on him.  Thank goodness Elder Myers was here to the rescue.  Hope we didn't wake the people upstairs. 

         We took a picture of this cutie at the Church  for our grandsons to enjoy.   And now thanks to Sharon, we have applied an extra layer of "Defense" around our house and had the bug man over twice.

     We enjoyed another wonderful day at the Raleigh Temple and a trip to the Raleigh Institute where we learned more about our new calling.

     Our Branch is really changing now.  Some kids are going home for the summer and some others are coming here.  We have some GREAT kids in our Singles Branch.  Next Sunday will be interesting.  It's Mother's Day (Happy Mother's Day to you Mom's) and the attendance will be SO small, we have been told that we will have Sacrament Meeting with the 1st ward and the rest of the block in the Bishop's office.

   We took this picture of a Magnolia on our walk to share with you.  They are so BIG and beautiful!!
        We'd like to say CONGRATULATIONS to Bill & Gaylynne, Weston & Maren on their marriages and Lindsey & Adam on their Temple Sealing.  We wish you the best!  We're happy for all the new babies, Nixon, Benson & Boston!  Wish we could be there to support you in your school plays, programs, summer sports and High School Graduation, David.  We are also saddened by the death of Stacey Gordon. 
     You are always in our thoughts and prayers.  We love you very much, and as always appreciate all that you do for us while we are here!   Take care!